Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Temple of amon

This sacred area, about 450 miles south of Cairo on the east side of the Nile, had a small shrine to local deity during the 12th Dynasty. However, it developed over a period of about 2000 years into an enormous complex dedicated to the king of the Egyptian gods:Amon-Ra. It was trashed twice--by Akhenaten and by the early Christians--and is still being excavated with parts of earlier buildings found as building rubble in later additions.Amon was considered as the god of masculine fertility.So the entrance to this temple has an avenue of criosphinxes (ram headed creatures).They also have sun discs on their heads and mummified form of rams in thier paws.this temple also has a number of pylons,one being 143 feet high!papyrus columns and obelisks were also an important feature of the temple.I will post some pics of these when I find some good ones!Posted by Hello


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