Friday, October 07, 2005

some more...

Each of these empty pockets once held a Culex mosquito larva. The eggs are laid in rafts on the surface of still water. Culex is the most widespread mosquito in the world, and can transmit several
LEO 1430 VO scanning electron microscope at 20 kV. Enhanced using Adobe Photoshop 7.01

The surface tension of water can support even a metal paperclip. By photographing it using a grill in front of the light source, the deformation of the water caused by the clip's weight can be seen. This bending of light is similar to the bending of light by strong gravitational fields, as predicted by Einstein's theories. Surface tension is due to an attraction between the molecules in water, which cause its surface to act in an elastic manner.

35mm SLR with tilt and shift lens, f22. Enhanced using PhotoDraw

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